OCMS Job Board
We know finding quality staff can be an issue for your practice. That is why we are here to assist you by posting your job openings on our website and our Facebook page, OCMS Medical Jobs. We will also refer candidates to you that we receive through our postings. If you would like to post a job opening, please email Romy Shubitowski, Executive Director at rshubitowski@ocms-mi.org.
Current Job Openings
Neurosurgery practice is seeking an experienced and detail-oriented Medical Biller to join their team. The ideal candidate will have expertise in medical billing processes, with a focus on accuracy and efficiency in handling claims and patient accounts. Contact Nancy at wbneuro@comcast.net.
SEM Surgical is currently seeking a dedicated and experienced Front Desk Receptionist to join their team. This full-time position requires a professional with prior experience as a receptionist or in a similar front desk role. If you or someone you know is interested in this opportunity, please contact Debbie at SEM Surgical by calling 248-288-1130.
Bloomfield Pediatric Care, located at 43205 Woodward Ave, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302, is seeking a full-time Front Desk Receptionist with experience using Epic. To apply, please contact Donna Wilson, Office Manager at 248-451-0600.​
Experienced Medical Biller Available. Due to a transition to a third-party vendor for billing services, a medical practice has a dedicated employee with 10 years of billing experience who is seeking a new position. If your practice, particularly in Southern Oakland County, is in need of a reliable medical biller. Contact Kristine Turnbull, Practice Manager at: kristinep@associatedobgyn.net.​
A Colon and Rectal Company located in Royal Oak is looking for a Full-Time Medical Assistant, Monday-Friday, benefits offered, looking to start as soon as possible, please send resume's to ginger.kleinert@yahoo.com.
A Spine and Brain Surgery office with multiple locations is hiring, please click on the link to view all job openings: Michigan Spine and Brain Employment Application (jotformpro.com)